In sickness and in health

So since my holiday I have come down with a nasty cold and cough so thought I’d share my experience of what I do when sickness hits.
Honestly it depends on how I feel... a lot of people say that you should sweat it out and work through it, maybe they are right?
My opinion is that if I can’t breath due to being all blocked up or if I start coughing from simply walking then I probably shouldn’t be pushing myself!
If I am not at least 75% of myself then I’ll be staying at home and focusing on rest and relaxation.
My theory is that if you’re working out and your not feeling yourself then your form won’t be great and you’re more likely to injure yourself so it’s better two take a day or two to get over what you have than to go at it with poor form and risk injury.

When it comes to eating I find that although I crave crap food when feeling poorly it’s better to stick to food with maximum nutrition, lots of vegetables to help build up energy and fight off the bugs.

Luckily after two days off and some early nights I am feeling better and I managed to get back on track tonight with Boxing class.

What are your thoughts on working out when you’re poorly?


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